Ocean Exploration for Everyone.

The Rovon Eye.

Live view, controllable underwater camera technology is finally here.

Live view controllable technology is virtually non-existent for the marine industry. The only way to currently see below is by dropping a static camera like a GoPro or diving down. ROVs are too complex to be practical.
This is where the Rovon Eye was born.
By using two state of the art low light cameras and a patent pending design, we are building the perfect camera for underwater use on a simple to operate platform.

Dual camera views enable you to see completely around the enviroment as well as below. So nothing is missed.

Real time color correction is optional due to water clarity worldwide. Clearing murky water is a priority to be able to see farther.

Reef or Wreck?

You will finally be able to see what those numbers really are.

Real time video.

Fishing guys want all the advantage they can get and live view is the next step in marine technology. With the Rovon Eye you will be able to see up to 500ft below you while being able to view and record on multiple devices at once, including modern MFDs with HDMI inputs.

A few quick videos from the prototype.

We cant show you the prototype but we can definitely show you some footage!

Scuba and Search & Rescue

Utilizing the Rovon Eye will enable Dive Charter Captains all over the world to watch over their clients safety and see whats going on down below before ever getting in the water.
SAR teams can cover far larger areas from in the vessel than ever possible by diving individually.

This plane was discovered by Jimmy Gadomski and Mike Barnette while testing one of our prototypes.
Click photo for news article.

Join the Journey!

If you would like to be kept informed of our progress or have a question, feel free to join the community and get updates and videos as we continue to prototype.We do not use a bulk email catcher. Everything is done and kept in-house. Your privacy is important to us. Your data will never be sold or spammed.Sign up for pre-order wait list here.

© Rovon Eye. 2024 All rights reserved.

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